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Rockley or Rockly is a community situated between Pugwash and Oxford on the eastern side of the River Philip, along approximately six miles of Highway 321 between Roslin and Port Philip.

In 1811, the first land was granted at Rockley to Mr. Thomas LeFurgey.  He was a UEL who came from PEI and built a log cabin by the river.  He was the first pioneer settler in Rockley.  The cabin was later replaced by a frame house.  John Peel also came from PEI and settled on the adjoining farm.

Also in 1811, land was granted to Mr Bennie Seaman.  David McCormick bought that land and built a frame house in 1843, but moved on to Oxford.  Foly Cameron lived on an adjoining property.

Another first settler was Archibald Campbell from Scotland.  When he was a boy, he ran away from a boat which was loading in Pugwash.  He followed the shore down the gulf.  He was hungry but afraid to let folks see him in case they sent in back.  He looked in a farmhouse window and saw a woman making porridge.  He decided she must be Scottish too, so he went in.  It was the farm owned by Angus McLean.  He stayed there until he grew up and settled in  Rockley.

Donald Gordon and his wife Janet had come from Aberdeen, Scotland in 1803.  Their son Alex Gordon was born aboard the ship the night they arrived in Pictou Harbour.  His wife was Margaret Campbell from Glasgow, Scotland.  They lived for a time in Elgin, Pictou.  In 1869, son John Gordon came from Pictou and bought the farm which had belonged to David McCormick.  His brother, Simon Gordon, settled on the adjoining farm which had belonged to Foly Cameron.  The parents resettled there in Rockley as well.

Other early settlers were Melroys, McLeods, Frasers, McKays and Burnsides.  

The first school house was located between the farms of Cameron Gordon and George Mills.  The first teacher was Mr. Nixon.  He lived in a room that was built on the back of the schoolhouse.  The present school was built by James W. Chisholm of Oxford in 1866 on a different lot.  The IOGT lodge used to meet in the school in 1886.

The Baptist Church had been the Harney home which was across the street from where the first school had been built.  It was moved across the road thanks to efforts by David Mills and other citizens.  Mr. Haverstock was the first minister.  In 1947, the building was turned over to L.O.L was was used as the Orange Lodge Hall at Port Howe. 

Rockley was named from the stone quarries which were situated on the farms of George Mills and Austin Smith.  Called the Grey Rock Quarries, they were operated by Mr. Seaman of Minudie.  The men worked 11 hours a day for 80 cents a day.  An American company later took over and the stone was shipped to New York. 

The first saw mill was a whipsawing mill operated by hand.  It was later replaced by a saw mill on the farm owned by McCormick and was situated on Gordon Creek.  John Fraser had a dam built in the brook beside his house with a paddle wheel attached to a saw.  John MacLeod later lived there and was a shoemaker.  

Benson Goodwin operated a blacksmith shop.  Ben Chase sold carriages, harness and machinery of all kinds.  He also loaded tan bark onto schooners which would come into the wharf at the quarry.  This bark was taken to Logan’s Tanner in Pictou.

Dr. Creed at Pugwash was the first doctor.

The mail first came from Oxford.  A post office was later established at Woodbury Burnside’s where the Chase house is now.  Mail delivery started in 1910 with Alex MacLeod as the first carrier.

A phone line was put through in 1908 and taken down again in 1912.  The present service was started in 1920.

The first highway was built in 1862.  It was paved in 1938.

As of 1948, the industries were identified as farming, fishing and lumbering.  The farms were small scale and raised fruit, vegetables, grain and hay.  It was noted that there used to be numerous flocks of sheep, turkeys and geese raised, but the number was dwindling.  There was however still a wood cutting unit, a thresher and a shingle mill in the community.  People were fishing smelts with bag nets in the fall.  There were some oyster beds and some salmon.      Lumbering and cutting stove wood was still being done.

A Rockley Mystery

Mary Harney was 16 when she started out for her father’s cows on a Saturday night in early September and never returned.  Hundreds of men searched the woods the next day - the ground was soft from an all night rain, but not a footprint was found.  Weeks later a girl’s body washed ashore on PEI.  A piece of her dress was sent to Rockley and was said to resemble the material in the dress Mary wore.  Many an oldtimer would talk of the lights flashing through the darkness on the Harney farm.

Excerpted from an article by Mrs. Douglas MacLeod in the Oxford Journal of June 24, 1948

Civil Marriages

26-08-1875    Rockly Cum Co    Pb    Rev John McRae Sutherland
PALMER    Calvin    21    B    farmer    Wentworth Cum Co    Alexander & Phoebe Purdy
MACLEOD    Sarah    23    S        Rockly Cum Co    John & Grace Kerr

28-02-1876    Oxford Cum Co    Pb    Rev John McRae Sutherland
FRASER    John    36    W    joiner    Elmsville Cum Co    Duncan & Nancy
FRASER    Janet    30    S        Rockly Cum Co    Alexander & Margaret

07-09-1876    Rockly Cum Co    Pb    Rev William S Darragh
PALMER    George Edward    22    B    farmer    Wentworth Cum Co Jonathan & Emily
MCLEOD    Catherine    23    S        Rockly Cum Co    

11-03-1879    Linden Cum Co    Pb    Rev William S Darragh
MCINTOSH    Angus    22    B    farmer    Carrington Cum Co    John & Jessie
FRASER    Matilda    23    S    Rockly Cum Co        Alexander & Catherine

03-11-1881    Rockly Cum Co    Bp    Rev Henry Bool
STEVENS    Philander    42    W    storekeeper    Wallace River Cum Co    Oliver & Anna

CAMERON    Christie    18    S        Rockly Cum Co    Alexander & Sarah

03-03-1883    Pugwash Cum Co    Bp    Rev Henry Bool
BURNSIDE    Woodberry E    34    W    farmer    Rockly Cum Co    William & Lucy
MCKAY    Elizabeth    26    S        Rockly Cum Co    Donald & Janet


05-07-1884    Rockly Cum Co    Pb    Rev William S Darragh
KING    Willard    28    B    farmer    Kolbec Cum Co        Cyrus & Henrietta
FRASER    Christy A    26    S    Rockly Cum Co        William & Mary


23-07-1885    Linden Cum Co    Pb    Rev Samuel R Stormont
FRASER    Hugh W    26    B    farmer    Carrington Cum Co    Simon & Isabella
MCLEOD    Christy A    20    S        Rockly Cum Co    John & Grace

02-06-1886    West Pugwash Cum Co    Pb    Rev James A McKenzie
MCKAY    Hugh    33    B    farmer    Rockly Cum Co        Donald & Harriet
CUMMINGS    Bessie Bent    24    S    West Pugwash Cum Co        James & Helena

05-01-1887    Rockly Cum Co    Pb    Rev James A McKenzie
MCINTOSH    William    48    W    mechanic Oxford Cum Co    John & Margaret
FRASER    Isabella    33    S        Rockly Cum Co    Alexander & Margaret

29-03-1887    Rockly Cum Co    Pb    Rev James A McKenzie
MCKAY    George R    24    B    farmer    Port Philip Cum Co    Alexander & Mary
STARRATT    Lucy    26    S        Rockly Cum Co        John W & Catherine

04-07-1888    Oxford Cum Co    Pb    Rev James A McKenzie
WEBB    George W    29    B    mechanic    Oxford Cum Co    David H & Esther
WILSON    Hattie E    20    S        Rockly Cum Co    Abram & Maggie J

27-06-1889    Claremont Cum Co    Pb    Rev William S Darragh
DICKSON    Thomas    53    W    farmer    Rockly Cum Co    John & Jenny
KENT    Sarah A    34    S        Claremont Cum Co        Alexander & Jane

06-09-1897    Rockly Cum Co    Bp    Rev C H Haverstock
DAVIDSON    John S    37    W    painter    Dorchester Mass USA        James & Jane
MILLER    Minnie H    27    S        Rockly Cum Co    David & Christie

28-12-1898    Rockly Cum Co    RP    Rev Joseph H Brownell
PATTON    Frederick D    31    B    farmer    Roslin Cum Co        Rand & Permillia
GRAY    Elizabeth    28    S        Rockly Cum Co        Daniel & Sarah J Sydney

28-12-1898    Pugwash River Cum Co    Pb    Rev A D McIntosh
FRASER    Russell    23    B    farmer    Rockly Cum Co        John & Lavinia
PATTERSON    Margaret Alice    20    S    Pugwash River Cum Co    Samuel & Sarah

07-06-1899    Westchester Stn Cum Co    Bp    Rev John Clark
WILSON    John    24    B    upholsterer    Oxford Cum Co    Abraham & Margaret
WEBB    Clara Maude    25    S        Westchester Cum Co        Edward & Amelia

29-04-1900    Mount Pleasant Cum Co    Pb    Rev Christopher Munro
MILLS    George    27    B    farming    Rockly Cum Co        David & Christy
SIMPSON    Emma    24    S        Mount Pleasant Cum Co    Robert & Catherine

08-11-1900    Rockly Cum Co    RP    Rev Joseph H Brownell
CHASE    Frederick    33    B    farmer    Oxford Cum Co    John & Jane
GRAY    Cassie Leona    24    S        Rockly Cum Co        Daniel & Sarah

28-05-1902    Pugwash Cum Co    Pb    Rev A D McIntosh
SMITH    Edward Botsford Chandler 23    B farmer Port Howe Cum Co    Morley B & Rebecca
FRASER    Margaret Mabel    20    S    Rockly Cum Co    John Allan & Lavinia

13-04-1904    Roslin Cum Co    Pb    Rev Christopher Munro
LEFURGEY    Albert    30    B    farmer    Roslin Cum Co            Elijah & Mary Ann
SIMPSON    Mary J    25    S        Roslin Cum Co            Moore & Ann

18-10-1905    Rockly Cum Co    Mt    Rev Donald Farquhar
MCKINNON    Charles A    25    B    farmer    Rockly Cum Co    John & Jane
TAYLOR    Mabel S    24    S        Rockly Cum Co    Anthony & Ellen

03-12-1907    Wallace Bridge Cum Co    Bp    Rev L J Tingley
ANTHONY    William E    33    B    bookkeeper Pugwash Cum Co    Robert & Louise
MCKERRON    Agnes R    22    S    Huntley Aberdeen Scotland    Alexander & Agnes

01-02-1909    Amherst Cum Co    CE    Rev A J Cresswell
WALSH    George William    22    B    cook Amherst Cum Co    John & Rebecca
LEFURGEY    Minnie Etta    21    S        Rockly Cum Co    Elijah & Ann
25-10-1909    Oxford Cum Co    Pb    Rev John W Britton
JOHNSON    Harvey E    24    B    blacksmith Port Philip Cum Co    George & Lena
CHASE    Sadie Jane    20    S        Rockly Cum Co    Benjamin & Mary

28-10-1909    Amherst Cum Co    Bp    Rev T Richard Peede
CHASE    John B    21    B    farmer    Rockly Cum Co        Benjamin & Mary
ALLEN    Ethel May    17    S        Port Howe Cum Co    Thompson & Mary    


16-02-1910    Oxford Cum Co    CE    Rev C O’Dell Belyea    [of Pugwash]
WILSON    Mitchell    28    B ICR station man Rockly Cum Co    Abraham & Margaret
STONE    Ada E    23    S        Oxford Cum Co        Edward & Jemima

14-07-1910    Amherst Cum Co    Bp    Rev David A Steele
GORDON    John Cameron    30    B    farmer    Rockly Cum Co    John & Mary
MCINNIS    Annie Belle    25    S        Oxford Cum Co    Alexander & Lavinia

28-06-1911    Rockly Cum Co    Bp    Rev Edward E Locke
TROOP    Wesley    21    B    mechanic    Amherst Cum Co    Edward & Clara
CHASE    Irene    21    S        Rockly Cum Co        Benjamin & Mary

27-12-1911    West Hansford Cum Co    Mt    Rev W Henry Watts
SCHURMAN    Curry Creelman 23    B carpenter Collingwood Cum Co    James & Jane
GOODWIN    Amelia May    18    S     West Hansford Cum Co    Benson & Clara

08-10-1913    Amherst Cum Co    Bp    Rev J T Dimock
SARANTO    Paul P    30    B    merchant    Amherst Cum Co    Peter & Lula
LEFURGY    Juanita/Waneeta    23    S    Rockly Cum Co    Elijah & Fanny


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