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Here are the publications available to help you with your genealogy and history of Pugwash and area at the North Cumberland Historical Society.  If you see a book that you would like, please contact us by email and give us your postal code. We will check the cost of postage and tell you what it will cost for us to mail it to you. You can then pay using e-transfer or by sending a cheque payable to the North Cumberland Historical Society.
  • 46 Acres, 5 Hoggs and a Family - G. R. Vincent - Some forebears and descendants of Charles Vincent of New York, USA and New Annan, Nova Scotia, 1650 - 1986, 190 pages - hard copy $20.00 + postage.

  • Back When - 5 Volumes - Ellen Giles Millard - A Collection of Stories about People, Places and Happenings on the North Shore of Nova Scotia - Each volume approximately 60 pages - hard copy $8.00 + postage.

  • Big Annie - The Nova Scotia Giantess - Ellen Giles Millard - The story of Anna Swan for children, 28 pages - hard copy $8.00 + postage.

  • Cemeteries of North Cumberland - NCHS - 353 pages - hard copy $40.00 + postage - flash drive version - $30.00 + postage or e-copy $25.00

  • Churches and Clergy of North Cumberland - Harry R. Brown - 192 pages - flash drive version  - $30.00 + postage or ecopy - $25.00

  • Clan Mackenzie - Mackenzies of Applecross - Edward Holloway Descendents of Roderick Roy - 149 pages - hard copy $15.00 + postage

  • Confronting the Perils of Nuclear Weapons - J. Patrick Boyer- Information of Cyrus Eaton and the Pugwash Conference - 12 pages - hard copy - $5.00 + postage

  • Daniel Teed U.E.L. and his Descendants - Harvey Gullon - NCHS - 257 pages - flash drive version $30.00 + postage or ecopy - $25.00

  • Descendants of John Palmer of Wentworth - Ralph D. Palmer - 113 pages - hard copy $20.00 + postage

  • Descendants of Stephen Canfield, U.E.L. 1754 - 1841 - Irvine Scarlett - 40 pages - hard copy $12.00 + postage

  • Gairloch, Pictou County, Nova Scotia - M. Hawkins et. al. - 185 pages - hard copy $10.00 + postage

  • Gravestone Inscriptions: Westchester Rose Area - NCHS - Including cemeteries Rose, Rose (Stewart), Old Rose (Embree), Rushton, Moore, Purdy, Atkinson and Eagle Hill - 42 pages - flash drive version only - $30.00 + postage or ecopy - $25.00

  • Henry Gesner Pineo - James E. Smith - A Pugwash politician, the lone Nova Scotia Tory voting for confederation - 48 pages - hard copy $8.00 + postage

  • History of Pugwash - James Smith - From the earliest times, 1802 - 1976 containing census and genealogical information - 381 pages - hard copy $35.00 with index $40.00 \= postage

  • History of the Pugwash Estuary - Friends of the Pugwash Estuary (FOPE) - An account of the people and activities of those along the Pugwash River and Estuary - hard copy $20.00 + postage

  • Last of the Four Masters - John P. Dobson - The schooner Herbert L. Rawding at Yarmouth, NS in July 1941 - a photo essay - 55 pages - hard copy $8.95 + postage

  • Life and Letters of Annie Leake Tuttle - Marilyn Fardig Whitely - 147 pages - hard copy $25.00 + postage

  • Lore of North Cumberland - Harry R. Brown - flash drive version only - Stories, humour and pathos - 210 pages - $30.00 + postage or ecopy - $25.00

  • Malagash Salt - J. R. MacQuarrie - The history of the first rock salt mine in Canada - 109 pages - hard copy $15.00 + postage

  • The Man from Malagash - Kathy Drew-Smith - George Patton Mackenzie's Work in the Yukon and Arctic -  - 371 pages - hard copy - $35.00 + postage

  • Old Pugwash Families - James Smith - Genealogies of 24 families - 139 pages - hard copy $10.00 + postage

  • Pioneers of Malagash - Alexander M. MacNab - 68 pages - hard copy $12.00 + postage

  • Salty Memories - Charles I. Farrow - Stories of the people of Malagash and the salt mine - hard copy $30.00 + postage

  • Stories from the Lobster Fishery of Cumberland's North Shore - Stephen Leahey - A glimpse into the lobster fishery both from the past and present - 128 pages - hard copy $20.00 + postage

  • Thomas Huestis, U.E.L., 1759 - 1851, and his Descendents - Harvey Gullon - 90 pages - flash drive version $30.00 + postage or e-copy - $25.00

  • Two Soldiers: The John David Family of Fox Harbour, Nova Scotia - Ralph W. Waugh - 250 pages - hard copy $40.00 + postage

  • Valley of the Remsheg - Harry Brown- A history of Wallace Bay and genealogical record of the descendants of the six founding families - 557 pages - hard copy $48.00 + postage

  • Westchester Rose Cemetery Book - The North Cumberland Historical Society - flash drive version only - A listing of those buried in the Westchester Rose area.  Cemeteries include Rose, Stewart (Rose), Old Rose (Embree), Rushton, Moore, Purdy, Atkinson and Eagle Hill - 20 pages- $30.00 + postage or ecopy - $25.00.


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2016 North Cumberland Historical Society

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