North Cumberland Historical Society
The Historical Society is housed above the library. This was once the Pugwash Train Station. Built in 1888 by Rhodes and Curry of Amherst, it was designed by Sir Sanford Fleming. Few buildings of his design survive in Canada today.
We are a group of volunteers, all with an interest in the history and genealogy of Pugwash and all of the North Cumberland County area. We gather every Friday afternoon from 1 to 4, determine what questions have come in, and set out to answer them. Visitors drop by, and we help them find their material, or sit and yarn about local history. In the summer, we get a lot of visitors from right around the globe whose roots are in Pugwash and North Cumberland County.

Our Volunteers
Our President, Harvey Gullon, is an old hand at the Historical Society, having served as president in the past. He leads our volunteers who meet each Friday from 1 to 4.

We celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2013. Long time volunteers Elizabeth Semple and Betty Brown cut the cake.
Alisson Forshner joined us as our secretary and has become invaluable to the society. She understands the machines; she can organize anything; and she is an excellent researcher.
Debby Weagle has been heading up our obituary project for years. And working on anything else that comes up including boxes of treasures!

2019 - A few of us at a talk: Dianne, Vivian, Harvey, Thelma and Alison

2018 - Here are some of us in the summer: Thelma, Dianne, Vivian, Geoff, Wayne, Joanne and Allison.