North Cumberland Historical Society
April 24
Speaker Dr. Allan Marble came to Wallace Museum to talk about The Spanish Flu. A good crowd was on hand and really enjoyed his informative talk as it focused on Nova Scotia and the flu. Alison Forshner presented him with a book and a thanks for being the first speaker to be cohosted by the Wallace Museum and the NCHS.

Aug. 16

Harvey did a terrific job as speaker for Communities in Bloom at the curling club. A good crowd showed up to hear him talk about the old buildings of Pugwash with photos and to listen to Thelma tell some of her own tales of early Pugwash buildings.

September 14
The AGM happened at the Wallace Museum with our new president, Harvey Gullon, leading us through the meeting. Our executive for this year are President - Harvey Gullon; Past President - Vivian Godfree; Vice President - Dianne Elliott; Treasurer - Wayne Arsenault and Secretary - Allison Forshner. This year's speaker was Beth Carruthers who spoke about the Mi'kmaq and Acadian presence in North Cumberland County and the Tatamagouche area.
Founding member, Beth Semple, thanked our speaker and presented her with a copy of "The History of Pugwash." Lunch followed.

August 11 - 12
A busy weekend with both Harbourfest and Homecoming. We scanned and showed our slides at both. Here is Wayne managing the display in the Peace Hall. Also helping were Alison, Geoff and Dianne.

August 25
The AGM brought us a new president,
vice president, and secretary. Vivian Godfree and
Carol Hyslop are to be thanked for their many years of service
to the NCHS. And Harvey Gullon, Dorian Dorn and
Alison Forshner thank you for taking up the mantle.
And gratitude to Wayne Arsenault, who continues as treasurer.
Business over, the main event was a talk by Linda Letcher,
author of three books on the History of Northport,
truly a labour of love.
July 1st
Our Canada Day exhibit attracted a lot of visitors. It included a 1900 photograph and a 2000 model of Pugwash, a model of the Margaret King School, programmes from July 1st celebrations over the years, tools, a mystery artifact contest and a slide show. Thanks to Kirsteen Thompson who asked us to participate.
June 11th
Vern Thiessen, playwright, and the cast of the play PUGWASH were hosted by
the Historical Society. We had a lovely lunch at Inn the Elms and took a
tour around town to show the cast the locations that had a significant role in
the first Thinkers Conference. Theresa Kewachuk showed them around the
Lodge. Vern addressed an audience at the Lobster Factory, speaking
about his inspiration for the play and concluded with a reading.
Thanks to all who participated.

Vern Thiessen and the Cast of PUGWASH outside the Masonic Lodge where the Thinkers Conference meetings were held.
Our 2017 Board of Directors
Thelma Colbourne, Mary Jamieson, Bruce Peers, Debby Weagle, Wayne Arsenault, Betty Brown, Joanne Tuttle, Hope Bridgewater, Carol Hyslop, Charlotte Moody, Vivian Godfree, Harvey Gullon, and Carl Purdy. The host of the meeting was curator of The Wallace Museum.
Missing is Marion Dotton, co chair Dorian Dorn and missing in photo is Dianne Elliott.

2016 - The AGM - Show and Tell

2015 - The book sale and the AGM.

2014 - Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of helping people trace their history and genealogy through the North Cumberland Historical Society