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Pugwash Junction

One of the first settlers to the area that became known as Pugwash Junction was James Doherty (1758 - 1815), a man of Loyalist descent,  his wife and ten children.  He arrived early in 1800 after emigrating with a group of settlers from Dumfries Scotland to PEI in 1774.  He settled on the road leading to Pugwash along a waterway into the Pugwash estuary, now called Dougherty or Doherty Creek.  The place was subsequently owned by Barney Piers, then Nelson Piers and finally James Williams.  The next settlers Piers, Gillis, McLeod and Wilkinson were in some way relatives of Dougherty.  Later Eatons, Thompsons, Paiges and Stevens’s moved in.


In the early days, the inhabitants made their living by lumbering, dairy and mixed farming.  Old millstones used in grinding grain may be seen on the Canfield Creek which runs through the old Philip Tuttle farm, subsequently owned by Russell Noiles.  The first saw mill was set on the brook which runs below the Thomas Wilkinson homestead.

George Gillis (1857 - 1925) was a stone cutter by trade.  His handiwork may be seen in various monuments in cemeteries in surrounding districts.  There are three cemeteries in Pugwash Junction.  The first is on the old Dougherty farm where Dougherty, his family and the other first settlers are buried.  The second is on the farm settled by Michael Berry (1791 - 1841). McLeods and Lattas are also buried in this plot.  The cemetery now in use is called the Eaton Cemetery and is on property adjoining the original Eaton homestead.

In 1888, the railroad was completed.  Previous to this, the district along the road leading to Pugwash from the vicinity of the station was called Dougherty Creek or Brook, and that area leading into Conns Mills and Oxford was called Lakeville.  Now the two were given the name of Pugwash Junction, the station being the junction of the branch line from Pugwash and that of the main line from Pictou to Oxford Junction.

At one time iron ore was mined on the Philip Tuttle (1847 - 1927) property.  Mica, copper and natural paint deposits may also be found in the same area. 

A school was built which was succeeded by the Margaret King School, opened in 1930.  With multiple classrooms, an extensive library, a gymnasium, home economics room, industrial arts room, and a science lab for students in both elementary and secondary grades.  The first principal was Seymour Gordon Walfrille followed by Dr. Herman Fayvour.  He was succeeded by Mel Sarty, Harry Nelson, and Margaret MacLeod.  It closed in 1960 when the district was amalgamated with Pugwash. 

In April of 1948, power was extended into the community from the Wallace Bay line, although the school had had it since 1940.  The first post office was opened in 1880, and Nelson Piers was the Post Master.  At this time Philander Stevens kept a small store and later Joseph Eaton built on the site of another store which was operated by H. E. Wood. 

The house on the Thompson farm became a community hall which was eventually destroyed by fire.  The telephone service was privately owned, the three original shareholders being George Gillis, William McLeod and Thomas Wilkinson. 

In 1948, it was reported that most of the farms at Pugwash Junction were settled by descendents of the early settlers. 

Excerpted by an article by Beatrice McKim in the Oxford Journal of June 24, 1948

Civilian Marriage in Pugwash Junction or by citizens of Pugwash Junction 1872 -  1904


06-11-1872    Wallace      Kirk    Rev James Anderson
TEED        Charles W 27 B    shoemaker    Wallace     Wallace     Moses & Jane
GILLIS    Sophia    24 S        Dohertys Brook         George & 


06-05-1873    Pugwash     Church of England    Rev Frederick J H Axford
THOMPSON    George    28 B    farmer    Dohertys Brook     Dohertys Brook     Miles & Tamar
TEED        Ruth 31 S        Dohertys Brook         Moses & Jane


01-01-1880    Amherst Cum Co    Methodist    Rev William Alcorn
CHASE    Reuben 67 W merchant    Upper Lakeville Cum Co    Sackville NB    Jethro & Isabel
KEN        Danica B 35 S    Parrsboro Cum Co    Parrsboro Cum Co    Ebenezer & Caroline


06-07-1881    Dohertys Brook     Baptist    Rev Henry Bool
SKIDMORE    Frederick E 25    B farmer    New Canaan     New Canaan     William & Maria
TEED        Mary    24 S        Dohertys Brook     Dohertys Brook     Moses & Jane


15-11-1882    Dohertys Brook     Baptist    Rev Henry Bool
COLBORN    Benjamin 26 B    shoemaker    Pugwash     Pugwash     Alexander & Elizabeth
PEERS        Maggie 28    S        Dohertys Brook     Wallace Bay     Caleb & Mary


23-12-1882    Pugwash     Baptist    Rev Henry Bool
MONTROSE    James E 37 W    carpenter    Hartford     Hartford     Jesse D & Jane A
WILLIAMS    Caroline 48 S    Dohertys Brook     Dohertys Brook     Benjamin & Mary


11-06-1883    Parrsboro Cum Co    Methodist    Rev William Alcorn
RECTOR    George F 40 B    farmer    Lakeville Cum Co    Lakeville Cum Co    James & Mary
JEFFERS    Margaret E 36 S  Lakeville Cum Co    Lakeville Cum Co    Henry & Margaret

13-09-1883    River Philip     Methodist    Rev John Craig
GILBERT    Joseph A 24 B    farmer    New Canaan     New Canaan     David & Elizabeth
WILKINSON    Sophia J 18 S        Dohertys Brook     Dohertys Brook     Charles & Ruth

09-09-1884    West Brook Cum Co    Baptist    Rev John A McLean
BLIGH    Enos C    37 B farmer Lakeville Cum Co    Lakeville Cum Co    Abraham & Eliza
ARCHIBALD    Emily M 36 S West Brook Cum Co Upr Musquodoboit Hfx Co    Wallace & Anna


07-05-1888    Parrsboro Cum Co    Baptist    Rev J M Porter
BROWN    Charles A 21 B brakeman Parrsboro Cum Co Lakeville Cum Co    George P & Charity
WASSON    Rose E    18 S        Parrsboro Cum Co    Parrsboro Cum Co    James & Ellen


16-11-1885    Pugwash     Methodist    Rev Arthur D Morton
GUNN        Angus 35 W    contractor    Halifax Hfx Co    Pictou Pic Co    George & Cassie
PIERS        Ellen R 23 S        Dohertys Brook     Dohertys Brook     George & Sarah


09-02-1887    Pugwash     Methodist    Rev George F Johnson
BRITTON    John G    30 B    farmer    Pugwash River Pugwash River     Henry & Matilda
MCLEOD    Charlotte E 21 S     Dohertys Brook     Lakeville     Stewart & Margaret


06-10-1887    Pugwash     Baptist    Rev C C Burgess    [of Pugwash]
MCLEOD    Rufus 23 B    farmer    Dohertys Brook Dohertys Brook     Stewart & Margaret
JONES        Bertha A 18 S        Dohertys Brook     Dohertys Brook     Lewis & Ellen


20-06-1888    Pugwash     Baptist    Rev C C Burgess
ANGEVINE    Lothrop 29 B    farmer    Middleboro     Middleboro     James & Sarah
MCLEOD    Millicent 26 S    Dohertys Brook     Dohertys Brook     Chris & Isabella


01-01-1890    Pugwash     Methodist    Rev Jesse B Giles
WILKINSON    Thomas 30 B    farmer    Doherty Green     Doherty Green     Doherty & Mary
MONTROSE    Melissa 21 S        Hartford     Hartford     Jesse & Jane


03-10-1891    Pugwash River     Methodist    Rev Jesse B Giles
SIMPSON    George (Rev) 49 B clergy Dohertys Brook     Branchton    George & Isabella
MCPHERSON    Ada 22    S     Pugwash River     Pugwash River     John W & Phoebe


18-01-1893    Middleboro     Methodist    Rev Benjamin Hills
MONTROSE    Allison C 33 B    farmer    Dohertys Brook     Dohertys Brook     Jesse D & Jane
WOODBURY    Ida M 19 S        Middleboro     Middleboro     William & Mary 


17-05-1893    Dohertys Brook     Methodist    Rev Benjamin Hills
MONTROSE    Rufus A 35 W    farmer    Dohertys Brook     Dohertys Brook     Jesse D & Jane
WOODBURY    Emma J 22 S         Middleboro     Middleboro     William & Mary


02-06-1894    Conns Mills     Methodist    Rev Benjamin Hills
JONES        Lewis    50 B    farmer    Dohertys Brook Wallace Bay     Benjamin & Ann
DEWAR    Elizabeth 47 W    Conn Mills     River Philip     Stephen & Mary


06-03-1895    Head Wallace Bay     Pb    Rev James A McKenzie
MCMILLAN    John A    28 B section foreman    Dohertys Brook     Wood Island    Hector & Mary
FORSHNER    Eva 29    S    Head Wallace Bay     Head Wallace Bay     Samuel & Maria


15-01-1896    Pugwash     Methodist    Rev Benjamin Hills
TEED        Herbert R 28 B    farmer    Dohertys Brook     Dohertys Brook      & Ruth
PEERS        Luella R 16 S        Wallace Bay     Wallace Bay     Harris & Laura

26-10-1904    Amherst Cum Co    Baptist    Rev J T Dimock
FREEMAN    Samuel H 45 W farmer    East Amherst Cum Co    Amherst Cum Co William & Fannie
TRITES    Bertheme J 5    S        Lakeville NB    Shediac NB    John S & Sarah Ann


15-11-1904    Pugwash Junction    Methodist    Rev Donald Farquhar
MCLEOD    Clifford 44 W    engineer    Pugwash Jct     Pugwash Jct     Daniel & Nancy
WILKINSON    Minnie    36    S        Pugwash Jct     Pugwash Jct     Doherty & Mary



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