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Northport - Hillside Cemetery

(Cemeteries of North Cumberland #1)


Ackles, Earl Arthur “Mickey.” August 19, 1934-June 23, 2004.

Ackles, Charles W. 1853-1930.

Ackles, Frances R. 1852-1924. (Wife of Charles W. Ackles).

Ackles, Lorne Charles “Prince.” October 10, 1936-August 5, 2002.

Allen, George C. 1873-1970.

Allen, Carl C. 1902-1981.

Angus, Alex W. 1870 - 1961

Angus, Anna M. Campbell 1920 - 1956 (Wife of Harold L. Angus)

Angus, Chandler A. 1917-1996. (Son of Mary E. Angus).

Angus, Elsie L. 1912-1991. (Daughter of Mary E. Angus).

Angus, Harold L. 1918- .

Angus, Howard S. 1902-1981.

Angus, Mabel Rae (Smith). 1890-1983. (Wife of Millage Bryden Angus).

Angus, Marie. 1924-1991. (Daughter of Mary E. Angus).

Angus, Nancy Isabel. 1893 - 1977

Angus, Ollie Blanche Smith. 1888 - 1959 (Wife of Medley Avard Angus)

Angus, Raemund R. 1928-1999.

Allen, Carl C. 1902-1981.

Allen, George C. 1873-1970.

Allen, Robert F. 1914-1999.

Allen, Beryl V. 1921 - 2016 (Wife of Robert F. Allen)

Angus, Hattie Elizabeth. 1884-1984. (See Smith).

Atkinson, Etta May Read. 1872 - 1940 

Atkinson, Helen Mae. 1969-1998.

Baxter, Albert Brownell. 1882-1958.

Baxter, Arthur C. –March 29, 1977. (Aged 91).

Baxter, L/Cpl. Arthur Claude 1909 - 1980

Baxter, Cecelia Langille. - 2010 (Wife of Arthur Claude Baxter)

Baxter, Cynthia (Brownell). 1850-1955. (Wife of Thomas L. Baxter).

Baxter, Walter George. 1905-1959. (Son of Albert and Catherine Baxter).

Black, Alberta W. 1891 - 1962 (Wife of George A. Black).

Black, Alton F. 1917-1965.

Black, Cecil. 1914-1982.

Black, Eileen. -2012 (Aged 95).

Black, Frank Alton. -2004 (Aged 54).

Black, Petty Officer 1st Class, Frank A. CD (1950 - 2004).

Black, Ida Gertrude. (See Campbell).

Black, Jewel R. 1929-1997. (See Brander).

Black, Lester H. 1903-1978.

Black, Logan G. 1908-1981.

Black, Violet J. 1908-1997.

Boomer, Janet Marie. 1912-1987.

Brander, Ada Elsie. 1914-2002. (See Peers).

Brander, Bina A. (See Brownell)

Brander, George. 1892-1916. (Son of Robert Brander and Bina Dickie).

Brander, George Leslie “Joe”. 1916-1996.

Brander, Gertrude Good. 1889 - 1964. (Wife of William S. Brander)

Brander, Jewel R. 1929-1997. (Wife of Walter E. Brander).

Brander, Larry Arthur. 1942-2007.

Brander, Thomas M. 1879-1969.

Brander, Mary J., -June 5, 1906. (Aged 63). (Wife of George Brander).

Brander, George H. W. 1915-1999.

Brander, Harold E. 1923-2007.

Brander, Margaret J. 1934-1996. (Wife of Robert A. Brander).

Brander, Reta L. 1924-1990. (Wife of Harold E. Brander).

Brander, Robert A. 1921-2002.

Brander, Walter E. 1929- .

Brown, Dorothy Minnie. 1941-2008. (See Pipes).

Brownell, Anna E. Olson. 1892 - 1977. (Wife of Ellson C. Brownel)

Brownell, Bertha. 1907-1988 (See Fisher).

Brownell, Bina A. 1919 - 2012. (Wife of Gerald B. Brownell).

Brownell, Charles. 1924-1924.

Brownell, Charles T. 1908-1984.

Brownell, Drucilla Adelaide. 1899-1984. (Wife of Myrton Harvey Brownell).

Brownell, Jennie Catherine. -1962. (Wife of Earl Brownell).

Brownell, Edison Hayword. 1920-2006. (Son of Alva Edison Brownell and Mary Jack MacKay).

Brownell, Elsie G. -2002. (Aged 73).

Brownell, Emma L. 1857 - 1942. (Wife of W. Alfred Brownell).

Brownell, Ernest C. 1895-1980.

Brownell, Eva S. 1878-1973. (Wife of Thomas H. Brownell).

Brownell, Evengeline. 1915-1993. (See Olson).

Brownell, Florence J. 1909-2008. (Wife of Wallace H. Brownell).

Brownell, Frances R. 1852-1924. (See Ackles).

Brownell, Gladys E. 1916-2002. (Wife of Roy P. Brownell).

Brownell, Hobart W. -1982.

Brownell, Lester E. 1916 - 1959. (Son of Ellson C. Brownell and Anna E. Olsen)

Brownell, May O. Embree, 1886 - 1945. (Wife of John W. Brownell)

Brownell, P. Oakley. 1907-1983.  

Brownell, Roy P. 1909-August 6, 1985.

Brownell, Thelma V. 1915-1996. (See Trenholm).

Burgess, Drusilla Adelaide. 1899-1984. (See Brownell).

Burns, A. Geneieve Goodwin. 1927-1992. (Wife of H. Clark Burns).

Burns, H. Clark. 1916-2006.

Burns, James Hedley. 1868-1961.

Burns, Leonard Clark. 1953-1969. (Son of H. Clark Burns & A. Geneieve Goodwin).

Burns, Mary Allison. 1876-1951. (Wife of James Hedley Burns).

Burns, Samuel Ross. 1902-1991.

Burns, Walter R. -January 26, 1905. (Aged 29).

Campbell, Anna M. (See Angus)

Campbell, Ida Gertrude Black. 1869 - 1957. (Wife of Robert W. Campbell)

Campbell, Muriel. 1899-1981. (Born in Northport, buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Massachusetts).

Campbell, Robert D. 1906-1927.

Dickson, George Hill. -2009.

Embree, May O. (See Brownell)

Feltham, Charley Henry. 1920-1992.

Feltham, Eva Maude (Pipes). 1919-1994. (Wife of Charley Henry Feltham).

Ferguson, John M. 1882-1926.

Ferguson, Lockhart B. 1914- .

Ferguson, Mabel G. 1916-2003. (Daughter of John M. Ferguson and Lillian M. Lockhart).

Fisher, Murray A. 1898-1971.

Fisher, Bertha Brownell. 1907-1988. (Wife of Murray A. Fisher).

Good, Gertrude. 1889 - 1964 (See Brander)

Goodwin, A. Geneieve. 1927-1992. (See Burns).

Gorvatt, Mrs. A. 1906-. (Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. James Burns).

Greeno, Ardella Jean. 1920-2006. (Wife of Harold Hubert Greeno).

Greeno, Aubrey. -2012. (Aged 89).

Greeno, Harold Hubert. 1921-1983.

Greeno, Robert W. 1885-1979.

Milley, Cassie Jane. -2003. (Aged 86).

Mitchell, Mabel L. 1892-1957. (See Smith).

Nickerson, Lawrence A. 1903-1981.

Nickerson, Willa R. (Sullivan). 1911-1985. (Wife of Lawrence A. Nickerson).

O’Connell, Madelyn G. 1927-2006. (See Walker).

Olsen, Anna E. (See Brownell)

Olson, Carl. -2010. (Aged 72).

Olson, Hance. -1980. (Aged 84).

Olson, Ivan Franklin. 1908-1987. (Son of August Leonard Olson and Agnes Josephine Anderson).

Olson, Evengeline (Brownell). 1915-1993. (Wife of Ivan Franklin Olson).

Patten, James B. -Dec. 23, 1944. (Aged 74).

Patten, Mabel G. 1916-2003. (See Ferguson).

Patterson, Harold. 1899-1974.

Peers, Ada Elsie (Brander). 1914-2002. (Wife of Douglas W. Peers).

Pipes, Dorothy Minnie (Brown). 1941-2008. (Wife of Donald A. Pipes).

Pipes, Eva Maud. 1919-1994. (See Feltham).

Pipes, Frank F. 1907-1987.

Pipes, Lorne E. May 21, 1911-June 7, 1995. (Brother of Russell Jonathan Pipes).

Pipes, Margaret J. 1934-1996. (See Brander).

Pipes, Russell Jonathan. November 9, 1902-July 11, 1981. (Brother of Lorne E. Pipes).

Rafter, Ethel I. (See Smith).

Read, Etta May (See Atkinson).

Routledge, Marilyn Fisher. 1943-1984.

Routledge, Ronald Joseph. -2010.

Smith, Ethel I. (Rafter). 1925-1993.

Smith, Hattie Elizabeth (Angus). 1884-1984. (Wife of Lloyd Angus Smith).

Smith, Mabel L. (Mitchell). 1892-1957. (Wife of Russell L. Smith).

Smith, Mabel Rae. 1890-1983. (See Angus).

Smith, Norman Clarence. 1916-2006. (Son of Lloyd Angus Smith and Hattie Elizabeth Angus Smith).

Smith, Ollie Blanche (See Angus)

Smith, Reta L. 1924-1990. (See Brander).

Sullivan, Willa R. 1911-1985. (See Nickerson).

Trenholm, Enzor G. 1910-1991.

Trenholm, Floyd A. 1941-1993.

Trenholm, Imelda M. 1909-2006. (Wife of Enzor G. Trenholm).

Trenholm, Judson A. 1914-1982.

Trenholm, Thelma V. (Brownell). 1915-1996. (Daughter of Ellson D. Brownel and Anna E. Olsen).

Trenholm, William Harvey. 1902-1982.

Trenholm, Gonzellar Robert. 1905-1970.

Walker, Madelyn G. (O’Connell). 1927-2006. (Wife of Harry J. Walker).

Weeks, Stella May. -1994. (Aged 74).


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