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Linden is a country district lying along the shore of the Northumberland Strait about 10 miles from Pugwash, 16 from Oxford and 20 from Amherst.  At one time, it took in Cameron Beach, Heather Beach,  Upper Linden, West Linden, Linden Corner, East Linden and Lower Linden. 

Linden was initially called Goose River as the Indians used it as a game preserve and trapping ground.  However, in about 1880, tired of being called the Goslings of Goose River, the citizens changed the name to Linden. The land at the beaches first belonged to the Micmac Indians and then the government gave it to James Jones in a grant and then to John Cameron.

The first white man to live in Goose River was Mr. Burnell.  He built a schooner there in 1809.  The first to stay was Martin Hunter, son of David Hunter of Ireland (his father had been born in Scotland) and Margaret Martin of Ulster.  Their ship had been headed to Philadelphia in 1769 but was shipwrecked  at Sable Island.  An accompanying ship collected the passengers and unloaded them at Halifax.  David and Margaret moved to Windsor, Hants County where their children were born.  In 1809, Martin, their son, saw the land at Goose River and liked it.  He rode to Amherst and found the grantee. He asked what he wanted for the land and the owner said, “For that horse and saddle, the land is yours.”  The trade was made and Martin walked the 20 miles back with all his food and possessions and built a cabin. He went for seed grain to Baie Verte, carrying it home on his back, a distance of around 20 miles.  He first  lived with a Micmac woman with whom he had a number of children.  He then married Ann Kirby, secondly to Mary (Polly) Berry from Amherst with whom he had six sons and three daughters and finally to Rosanna Campbell.

[From a letter by George E. Hunter, grandson of Martin]

In 1818, there was an influx of Irish settlers.  John Moore, John Angus, James Burns and families were three who shipped together on the Jesse and landed at St. John and traveled through Amherst, Shinimicas and Northport and finally settled in Goose River.

The 1827 census shows 100 males and 81 females living in Goose River.  Surnames include Angus, Beaton, Brown, Brownell, Cooper, Ebertson, Evens, Findlay, Hunter, Johnson, Maddison, Mickey, Mills, Mood, Morrison, Robb, Smith and Wood.

Highway 6 was known as the Amherst Pictou Trunk Road, and at one time stage coaches would have traveled it between these two places.  This travel necessitated taverns - there was one near Linden Corner run by a Mrs. Mickey.  She had a few young men around to tend the horses: one of them was Sandy Wilson.  This road was eventually called the Post Road and then Highway 6.

The first mail was driven from Amherst to Pugwash by a coach and four horses, going one day and coming back the next.  The post office was at a Mr. MacKie’s.

The first Baptist church was built in 1853.  The Covenanters built a church just across from it.  They were Irish Presbyterians;  it was a rather austere faith, but after the death of their missionary Alexander Clarke in 1874, they were gradually absorbed into the larger Presbyterian movement.  This initial Covenant church was torn down in 1919.

Their minister Rev. Mr. William Stavely Darragh and many of the congregation were in disagreement which caused a split from the Covenanters.  These political divisions caused him and his followers to get locked out of the church in 1859.  They joined the Presbyterian Church.

The Baptists allowed them to use their church until a new Presbyterian church was built. Called the Renwick Church after a Scottish Covenant martyr (James Renwick), land was purchased from Alexander Leslie, and the deeds were signed by John Moore, James Moore and John Burns.  It was built by volunteers and finished by Henry Chapman in 1864.  It was about a mile further west towards Amherst from the Mt. Pleasant Church. The church continued to be active until 2016.        

There were two school districts in Linden: Upper and Lower.  The Lower Linden school was about a mile north of Linden Corner on the Northport Road.  The Upper Linden school was on Highway 6 across from the communication tower.  It is currently used as the Linden Community Centre and is celebrating its 40th year as a hall.

Vester Burns owned the first store.  John Huston owned the first blacksmith shop which was situated at Linden Corner.  His wife owned the first sawmill.  A later store in Lower Linden was owned by Curt Wood, and it became a gathering place for the community.  It was also the only gas outlet and also had one of the few telephones.

John Moore made the first grist mill.  It had large sails and used wind to power it, but it was not very successful.  When he built his third building, he built near a brook and used water which was more reliable.  He and his son, Samuel, ground grain and made oatmeal.  The mill stones were moved to Oxford in the 1910's and used as doorstops for the Millstone Hotel.    

John Moore’s son, John Jr. invented the double harpoon for pitching off hay.  Eaton’s catalogued it as the John Moore fork for many years.


Telephone service was started by the Maritime Telephone Company.  There were about 15 customers hooked into a central switchboard in Atlee Smith’s home in Lower Linden, his wife being the operator.

The Sunrise Trail (#6) was not kept open to cars during winter as there were no plows.  One early spring thrill was when the first cars of the season came through, or tried to, and often got stuck in the mud holes in front of the school.  For Minard Wood, a local farmer, this was a seasonal source of revenue, as he would bring out his team of horses and pull these early birds through the mud holes and send them on their way to the next mud hole. 

Heather Beach by the 1930's was mostly miners and their families from the coalfields of Springhill who had the cottages there.  They had some money to spend and were welcomed by the farmers of the area for their patronage of their produce.  Cameron Beach also gradually filled up with cottagers.

In 1948, farming and some fishing and lumbering were the mainstays of the community.

Excerpted from an article in the 1948 Oxford Journal by Geraldine Moore, a book Recrossing the Portages of Life by Kurt Speth and a history by George Moore.

Some Early Civil Marriages

10-01-1865    Amherst Cum Co    Pb    Rev Archibald Thomson
PATTERSON    David    46    B    shopkeeper    Linden Cum Co    W J & 
TRUEMAN    Sarah    24    S        Amherst Cum Co        Amos & 

25-02-1865    Shinimicas Bridge Cum Co    Pb    Rev Archibald Thomson
ANGUS    Henry    28    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co        S & Sarah Brennan
BRANDER    Susan    24    S        Shinimicas Bridge Cum Co    James & Lily Brander

26-04-1866    Linden Cum Co    Pb    Rev Archibald Thomson
HUSTON    Thomas    __    B    Linden Cum Co         & 
ANGUS    Sophia    __    S        Linden Cum Co         & 

06-12-1866    Linden Cum Co    Bp    Rev Thomas A Blackadar
BIRD    John    53    W    farmer    Maccan Cum Co            Henry & 
MILLS    Demas    43    S        Linden Cum Co            Sherwood &  


16-01-1867    Linden Cum Co    Pb    Rev Archibald Thomson
TINGLEY    Joshua    27    B    farmer    Shemogue NB            Joshua & Cynthia
HUNTER    Lilly A    20    S        Linden Cum Co        Keiver & Theodosia

19-09-1867    Linden Cum Co    Pb    Rev Archibald Thomson
FINLEY    James W    27    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co    Robert & Annie
DAVIS    Elizabeth    24    S        Linden Cum Co    George E & Mary

10-01-1868    Linden Cum Co    Pb    Rev Archibald Thomson
MCMORRIS    Samuel    27    B    farmer    Shemogue NB            William & Eleanor
HUNTER    Charlotte    19    S        Linden Cum Co    R & Theodosia

14-01-1868    Amherst Cum Co    Pb    Rev Archibald Thomson
SMITH    Robert Wesley    25    B miner Shinimicas Bridge Cum Co    Wesley & Jane
BRANDER    Elizabeth    22    S    Linden Cum Co        James & Lily

16-11-1868    Amherst Head Cum Co    Pb    Rev Archibald Thomson
BAXTER    Thomas    28    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co    Willis & Mary Ann
BROWNELL    Cynthia M    18    S    Shinimicas Bridge Cum Co    Jeremiah & Mary Amelia

30-12-1869    Amherst Cum Co    Pb    Rev Archibald Thomson
SMITH    Matthew A    26    B farmer Shinimicas Bridge Cum Co    John W & Sarah
MILLS    Janet    21    S        Linden Cum Co            Daniel & Isabel

08-11-1871    Pugwash Cum Co    Bp    Rev E B Corey
FINLEY    Jeremiah    27    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co    Robert & Amy
STUART    Basa Ann    28    S    Pugwash River Cum Co    Stephen & Eliza

15-01-1873    Amherst Cum Co    Mt    Rev John Waterhouse
BAXTER    Adolphus    42    B    farmer    Amherst Head Cum Co    Augustus & Sarah
CHAPPELL    Caroline    36    W        Linden Cum Co    Burton & Jane

12-03-1873    Leicester Cum Co    Bp    Rev E B Corey
WOOD    Amos    25    B    farmer        Linden Cum Co    Samuel & Maria
MILLS    Margaret    25    S        Leicester Cum Co        Charles & Barbara

11-02-1875    Linden Cum Co    Bp    Rev David W Crandall
FOUNTAIN    Amos    28    B    blacksmith    Middleboro Cum Co    Ephraim & 
HOLLIS    Mary Jane    20    S        Linden Cum Co    Timothy & 

04-08-1875    Pugwash Cum Co    Pb    Rev John McRae Sutherland
MCDONALD    William    30    B    farmer Linden Cum Co        William & Mary Ann Campbell
HUTCHISON    Emily    29    S        Pugwash Cum Co        Archibald & M Stewart

27-12-1876    Pugwash Cum Co    Pb    Rev John McRae Sutherland
ANGUS    Allison    23    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co        William & Isabella
MITCHELL    Susannah    24    S        Linden Cum Co    Thomas & Elizabeth

04-01-1877    Linden Cum Co    Bp    Rev David W Crandall
MILLS    S C    22    B    mechanic    Springhill Cum Co        Amos & 
HUNTER    Mary Olivia    28    S        Linden Cum Co    Martin & 

25-01-1877    Pugwash Cum Co    Pb    Rev John McRae Sutherland
DUNBAR    John    28    B    farmer    Port Howe Cum Co        Alexander & 
MCDONALD    Maggie    17    S        Linden Cum Co    Robert & 

04-09-1877    Head Wallace Bay Cum Co    Pb    Rev John McRae Sutherland
MORAN    John    23    B    farmer    Head of Wallace Bay Cum Co    John & Nancy
RIPLEY    Charlotte    20    S        Linden Cum Co    Joseph & Sarah

07-01-1878    Mount Pleasant Cum Co    Bp    Rev E B Corey
MATTINSON    John William    26    B    farmer    Mount Pleasant Cum Co    William & 
HOLLIS    Celia    16    S            Linden Cum Co    Robert & Mary

12-03-1878    Pugwash Cum Co    Pb    Rev John McRae Sutherland
TUCKER    William Henry    20    B    farmer    Earltown Col Co    Hugh & Maria
ANGUS    Anna Lucinda    16    S        Linden Cum Co    Thomas & Catherine

18-03-1879    Pugwash Cum Co    Bp    Rev Henry Bool
MCKAY    John    24    B    ship carpenter    Port Philip Cum Co    Alexander & Mary
O’BRIEN    Mary E    19    S        Linden Cum Co    Joseph & Matilda

22-07-1879    Pugwash Cum Co    Bp    Rev Henry Bool
MCLEOD    Daniel    22    B    farmer    Port Howe Cum Co        Angus & Sarah
HOLLIS    Charlotte    24    S        Linden Cum Co    William & Elizabeth

19-08-1879    Linden Cum Co    Bp    Rev John J Armstrong
SEIFERT    Charles    35    B    cloth man Lowell Mass USA    Charles & Frederica
HUNTER    Rosanna    35    S        Linden Cum Co    H B & Mary

22-12-1879    Pugwash Cum Co    Bp    Rev John J Armstrong
CARTER    Timothy W    26    B    farmer    Marshfield        Henry & Susanna

MILLS    Mary A    21    S        Linden Cum Co        Thomas & Martha

27-05-1880    Centreville Cum Co    Bp    Rev John J Armstrong
HUNTER    Harris H    25    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co    Harris & Annie
WALKER    Emma    24    S        Beckwith Cum Co        Duncan & Phoebe

27-05-1884    Wallace Bridge Cum Co    Bp    Rev Henry Bool
HUNTER    Matthew L    23    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co    Hance B & Alice
SCOTT    Annie E J    23    S    Wallace Bridge Cum Co    James & Sarah J

11-07-1884    Pugwash Cum Co    Bp    Rev Henry Bool
IBBITSON    Charles    21    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co    James & Betsy
RIPLEY    Lizzie    18    S        Linden Cum Co        Joseph & Sarah A

09-09-1884    Mansfield Cum Co    Bp    Rev E C Corey
WOOD    James H    37    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co    George? & Sarah
SEAMAN    Eva    24    S            E Leicester Cum Co    Thomas & Barbara

25-11-1884    Linden Cum Co    Bp    Rev Henry Bool
BROWNELL    James W    23    B    merchant Northport Cum Co    Aaron & Mary J
HUNTER    Joanna S    20    S        Linden Cum Co        H B & Alice

08-12-1884    Port Howe Cum Co    Bp    Rev Henry Bool
BENT    Clifford    26    B    farmer    Salem Cum Co        John & Amelia
ELLIOTT    Amelia    18    S        Port Howe Cum Co        Samuel & Catherine

26-01-1892    Springhill Cum Co    Pb    Rev David Wright
DARRAGH    Wylie    35    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co        William S & Rachel
DONKIN    Joanna    28    S        Great Village Col Co        William & Mary  


21-09-1892    Oxford Cum Co    Bp    Rev E C Corey
HUNTER    Albert    28    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co        William & Jane
MCKAY    Rena    24    S        Port Howe Cum Co        Alexander & Mary

14-11-1893    Oxford Cum Co    Bp    Rev E C Corey
MILLS    Charles A    26    B    farmer    Linden Cum Co        John & Sarah (foster pts)
WOOD    Alma J    19    S        Mount Pleasant Cum Co    Oliver & Rebecca


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