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Fox Harbour - United Church Cemetery

(Cemeteries of North Cumberland #26)

Allen, Helen J. 1907-1982. (Wife of  Wallace L. Allen)

Allen, Wallace L 1905-1983.  Helen J. 1907-1982. His wife

Alisch, Warren Keith Sept. 21st 1942 – Oct. 23rd 1997. 

Blaikie, Donald E. 1926-1997. 

Bonnell, Nellie B. 1895 – 1984. (See Jamieson)

Brown, Mary Z. 1923 – 1995. (See Langille)

Cameron, Ida 1892 – 1938. (See Connoly)

Connoly. Christena M. 1920-1983. (Wife of G. W. Ellis Connoly)

Connoly, Emma Murphy 1880 – 1931. (Wife of Frank Connoly)

Connoly, Frank 1879-1955. Emma Murphy 1880-1931. His wife

Connoly, Ida Cameron 1892 – 1938. (Wife of Raymond Connoly)

Connoly, Raymond 1907-1923. (Son of Frank and Emma), Ida Cameron, 1892-1938. His wife

Courtney, Elizabeth Udora 1920 – 2001. (See Lynds)

Crawford, Mavis R. Jamieson 1920 – 2007. (Wife of Roy H. Crawford)

Crawford, Roy H. 1917-1989. Mavis R. Jamieson 1920-2007. His wife

Dickie, Jean F. 1929 -  . (See  Blaikie)

Dotton, Joshua John Dec. 21st 1982 – Feb. 12th 1997.  (Beloved son of Belinda and Alex Dotton).

Fitzgerald, Dorothy M.  1927 - 1998(See Jamieson)

Forshner, Lillian 1902-1924.

Fraser, Campbell 1910 – 1981. (Son of John Fraser and Hannah Peers)

Fraser, Hannah Peers 1877 – 1960.  (Wife of John Fraser)

Fraser, John 1849-1918. Hannah Peers 1877-1960. His wife

Fraser, John 1907- 1994. (Son of John Fraser and Hannah Peers)     

Green, Albert L. 1968-1990. (Son of James F. Green and Lois Rushton)

Green, Geneva – Jan. 1999. (Wife of Stanley Albert Green)

Green, Lewis A. 1868-1924.

Green, Stanley Albert  - May 3, 1994.  Geneva – Jan. 1999. His wife

Harrison, Alvin R. 1914-1989.

Hoare, George C.  – Dec. 20, 2008. Hilda  - Jan. 10, 2012. His wife

Hoare, Hilda  - Jan. 10, 2012. (Wife of George C. Hoare)

Jamieson, Annabelle Studivan 1882-1958. (Wife of Samuel P. Jamieson)

Jamieson, Barbara J. Aug. 11, 1949. -  .  (See Warren Keith Alisch)

Jamieson, Clarence Joseph 1918-2006. (G.N.R. 1st Artillery 665 A.O. Squadron. Enlisted June 16, 1942.) Dorothy M. Fitzgerald, 1927-1998. His wife

Jamieson, Daniel O. 1879-1945.

Jamieson, Dorothy M. Fitzgerald 1927 – 1998. (Wife of Clarence Joseph Jamieson)

Jamieson, Earl F. July 21st 1927 – Mar. 26th 2008. Phyllis P. MacInnes May 6th 1925 - June 13th 2001. His wife

Jamieson, Edith Minnie 1899-1984.

Jamieson, Elsie E. 1934 – 2000. (Wife of Gerald Jamieson)

Jamieson, Fred D. 1892-1984. Nellie B. Bonnell, 1895-1984. His wife

Jamieson, Gerald 1925-  . Elsie E. Tonge 1934-2000. His wife

Jamieson, Harold Atkins 1904-1981. Nellie Cecilia 1920 - 1992 His wife

Jamieson, Irene 1914 – 1993. (Wife of Otto Jamieson)

Jamieson, Irving – 1991.  

Jamieson, Jean M. 1917 – 2002. (See Joudrey)       .

Jamieson John 1853-1929 Jane Purdy 1854 - 1931. His wife

Jamieson, Lloyd  - 2011.

Jamieson, Mabel Ann 1936-2004. (Wife of Roy Gilbert Jamieson)

Jamieson, Mavis R. 1920 – 2007.  (See Crawford)

Jamieson, Nellie B. Bonnell 1895 – 1984. (Wife of Fred D. Jamieson)

Jamieson, Nellie Cecilia 1920 – 1992. (Wife of Harold Atkins Jamieson)

Jamieson, Otto 1907-1989. Irene 1914-1993. His wife

Jamieson, Phyllis P. MacInnes May 6th 1925 – June 13, 2001. (Wife of Earl F. Jamieson)   

Johnson, Gertie M. 1915 -1976. (Wife of Reginald P Johnson)            

Johnson, Reginald P. 1916-1979. Gertie M. Wilson, 1915-1976. His wife

Jollymore, Ena 1910 – 1996. (See Moody)

Joudrey, Jean M. Jamieson 1917-2002. (Wife of Roy Joudrey)

Kittilsen, George T. May 23rd 1942-Oct. 4, 1990.

Kittilsen, Isabel Marie 1949 – 2009.

Laird, Harvey J. 1895-1981. Lillian J. 1910-2002. His wife

Laird, Lillian J. 1910 – 2002. (Wife of Harvey J. Laird)

Langille, Ernest Addison 1915-1974. Canard Pearl 1917-1992.

Langille, G. Ernie 1924-1997.

Langille, Mary Z. Brown 1923-1995. (Wife of Ivan R. Langille)

Langille, Susan R. 1917 – 2007. (See Morrison)

Leard, Edward M. 1905-1993.

Leard, Jane Olive MacMillan – Jan. 22, 2007.

Leard, Lorne V. 1927 - . Jean O. MacMillan, 1927-2007. His wife

Leard, Mary M. 1900-1986. (Wife of Calvin H. Leard)

Leard, Percy 1902-1990.

Leard, R. Stanley 1919-2005.

Lynds, Elizabeth Udora Courtney 1920 – 2001. (Wife of Russell Lee Lynds)

Lynds, Russell Lee 1907-1996. Elizabeth Udora Courtney 1920-2001. His wife

MacAulay, Thomas F. - Nov. 5th 1953.

MacInnis, Forrest Roderick 1922-1984.

MacInnes, Phyllis P. May 6, 1925 – June 13, 2001. (See Jamieson)

MacIvor, Murdock N. 1853-1922.

MacKenzie, Pte. Roy C. 1925-2000. North N.S. Highrs., C.A..

MacMillan, Jean O. 1927 – 2007. (See Leard)

MacPherson, Robert F. 1929-1991. Ruth H. Thompson, 1934-1999. His wife

MacPherson, Ruth H. Thompson 1934 – 1999. (Wife of Robert F. MacPherson)

McAulay, Kenneth - Aug. 23rd 1924. aged 70 years.

McIver, Robert S. 1844-1918.

McIver, Stewart 1879-1957.

McKay, Alex C. 1903-1985.

Moody, David 1891-1953.

Moody, Ena May 1910 – 1996. (Wife of Thorpe S. Moody)

Moody, James 1862-1934.

Moody, Thorpe S. 1907-1985. Ena May Jollymore, 1910-1996. His wife

Morrison, Susan R. Langille 1917 – 2007. (Wife of Kenneth W. Morrison)

Morrison, Kenneth W. 1910-1990. Susan R. Langille, 1917-2007. His wife

Munroe, Alice Ida Munroe 1930-2000. Psalm 23.

Munroe, Donald M. 1932-1969.

Murphy, Emma 1880 – 1931.  (See Connoly)

Oxley, Altha 1908 – 1987.  (Wife of Murdock W. Oxley)

Oxley, Annie G. 1905 – 1988. (See Robblee)

Oxley, Dale Mary, 1948-2000. (Wife of Gerald Oxley)

Oxley, Murdock W. 1910-1999. Altha, 1908-1987. His wife

Patriquin, Robert W. 1953-1953. (Son of Vernon Patriquin and Marguerite E. Wilkie)

Patriquin, Vernon L. 1916-2006.

Peers, Hannah 1877 – 1960. (See Fraser)

Porter, Victor S 1918-1986.

Purdy, Burns Nov. 17th 1872 - Mar. 1st 1950. (Beloved husband of Ella May Fahie)

Purdy, Donald Brian 1948-2006.

Purdy, Ernest 1870-1954.

Purdy, Ernest E. 1929-1999., Marjorie E. Rushton 1938- . His wife

Purdy, James A.  May 21st 1934 – Feb. 4th 1997.

Purdy, Jane 1854 - 1931 (Wife of John Jamieson)

Purdy, Marjorie E. 1938 - . (Wife of Ernest E. Purdy)

Purdy, Martha L. Ruggles 1905-1983. (Wife of Roland B. Purdy)

Purdy, Wallace “Clair” R. Sept. 17th 1937 - Sept. 6th 2001.

Purdy, William A. 1911-1992.

Ralph, Varina L. 1918 – 2002. (See Wilson)

Reid, James E. D. (Jimmy) 1907-2001.

Robblee, Annie G. Oxley 1905-1988. (Wife of William Edward Roblee)

Robertson, James A. A. 1871- 1958.

Robertson, John Baxter 1864-1957.

Robertson, W. Gordon 1907-1987.

Ruggles, Martha L. 1905 – 1983. (See Purdy)

Rushton, Marjorie E. 1938 -  . (See Purdy)

Stromberg, Aubrey L.  – 2010.

Stromberg, Lilah E. 1891-1979.  (Wife of Laurie D. Stromberg)

Studivan, Annabelle 1882 – 1958. (See Jamieson)           

Thompson, Gordon J. W. Nov. 14th 1942 – Sept. 30th 2006.

Thompson, Theodore W. Private R.C.A.M.C., C.A. 1933-2004.

Thompson, Ruth H. 1934 – 1999. (See MacPherson)

Tonge, Elsie E. 1934 – 2000. (See Jamieson)

Wells, David Norman Wells 1957-2008.

Wilson, Gertie M. 1915 – 1976. (Wife of Reginald P. Johnson)

Wilson, John B. 1931-1958. (Son of John H Wilson and Mary B. Purdy)

Wilson, Otis E. 1924-1989. Varina L. Ralph 1918-2002. His wife

Wilson, Sterling P. (Tim) 1939-1998.

Wilson, Varina L. Ralph 1918 – 2002. (Wife of Otis E. Wilson)


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