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Conns Mills

Conns Mills, a small community situated at the head of the tides of Pugwash River was known as the “Head of the Tides” when John Fillmore, one of the River Philip Fillmores, settled there.

It was good timberland at that time, and he bought land on each side of the river and built a dam and saw mill there.  It was reported that he prospered well.  As more settlers came and started to clear land and farm, there was need of a grist mill to grind their grain into flour.  As there was none handy, he built one, which was a great convenience to the pioneers.  For several years, it was the only one between Wallace River and River Phillip.  Then a big freshet came and destroyed the dam and mills, and as Mr. Fillmore was becoming aged, he decided to sell his property to some one who was in a better position to rebuild the dam and mills.

A few years later, the Conn family purchased the Fillmore properties, mill sites, etc. and rebuilt the dam and saw and grist mills.  They operated the mills for several years.  When the parents died, some of the family went elsewhere with the exception of Andrew.  Andrew was more interested in farming than milling and the mills and pond privileges were sold to a company composed of MacPhersons.  They built saw mills and did well in the lumbering business.  The lumber was rafted down the river to Pugwash where it was loaded on to ships.  Gradually one after another sold his share until only Angus MacPherson was left.  His heirs roped it for some time and operated in the spring when there were logs to saw.

The grist mill was operated by Hugh MacPherson, who after having gotten his father’s homestead, took up farming and sold the mill to Jesse Demings.

In a few years, it was sold to another company, but it seems everyone was busy at some other business and the work of operating the grist mill was neglected.  This was a great inconvenience to the farmers who had to now travel elsewhere to have their grain ground.

Because the Conn Family had contributed so much to the area, the place became known as Conn Mills.  The father, William Conn, who came from Scotland, died in 1863 at the age of 74.  He and his wife and two sons Andrew and Robert and daughter Margaret are buried in the Conns Mills Cemetery.

It is uncertain when the first settlers came or if John Fillmore was the first.  The first burials recorded in the Conn Mills Cemetery are of two of his grandchildren in the years 1847 and 1849.

Other settlers whose names were on the tombstone were MacDougall, Cameron, Thompson, Ross, Finley, DeMings, MacLellans, Wakeham and Ives.

Conns Mills was once a flourishing community consisting of a store, school, post office, blacksmith shop and railway station.  Of these, only the school is left and is now The Little Red School community hall.

The railroad from Pictou to Oxford Junction was completed in 1888 and added to the business of the community.  From this station, many box cars loaded with lumber, pulpwood and pit wood were shipped over the years from the surrounding area.

Prior to the railroad, the river was used as the main source of transportation.  In addition to lumber, which was sent down the river, supplies were brought up and carried or hauled to the surrounding communities.  It has been told that some persons were know to have carried a barrel of flour on their backs.  This was about two hundred pounds, and it was carried for a distance of three or four miles, much of it up hill.  The bank east of the Ryan home is where the supplies were unloaded and the lumber sent on its ways.  The supplies and pulpwood, etc. were moved on rafts.  

Because of the significance of mills in the history of Conns Mills, stones which still remained from the grist mill were salvaged by Layton Ryan.   Layton, who lived most of his life there, had a mill stone reconstructed on the corner of his lawn as a tribute to the early settlers who had the mills there an to those for whom the settlement was named.

The Ryans live on the same spot as Andrew Conn.  The original home was owned by a grandson of Andrew, Conn Forrester, when it fell down in 1936.

This information is excerpted from an article for the Amherst News and Sentinel on Jan. 6, 1915 by Mr. A. S. Ross of Thompson Station.

In 1871, land was granted by Richard Chestnut for the Pugwash River Church, now the United Church.


The first schoolhouse, Pugwash River East, was moved to Mabrey Newsons, where it was used as a pig house.


In 1907, the telephone line was built.  In 1915 the Mutual (Pugwash River) Company took over and still is owner at this time.


In 1941, a home and all adjoining buildings of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. MacNutt, Conns Mills were completely destroyed by fire.  Mr. and Mrs. MacNutt and family had moved to Oxford the previous spring and the house was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney and family.  There was no insurance.  The wind carried the fire across the road to the home and blacksmith shop of Mr. and Mrs. Hibbert Saddall, but they were saved.

Mar. 1947 - The house of Howard Ferdinand, Conns Mills was badly damaged by fire.  The fire was discovered burning in the attic shortly after 9 a.m.  As the phone was out of order, the children spread the word and neighbors and people from Conns Mills Station came quickly.  The Family removed all the furniture and after a hard battle, the fire was extinguished.  A steel roof on the building helped check the fire.

Feb. 1948 - A fire of undetermined origin completely destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Forrest and familiy.  The fire had gained gread headway when discovered in the evening and within a few minutes the house had burned to the ground.  The unfortunate family lost almost everything.

These notes are from a scrap book kept by Mrs. Dorothy Ryan

Civilian Marriage in Conns Mills or by citizens of Conns Mills 1889 -  1910

27-08-1889    Pugwash River  Presbyterian    Rev James A McKenzie
THOMPSON    George H    25    B    farmer    Conns Mills Cum Co    Conns Mills Cum Co    Abraham & Eveline
CHESTNUT    Annie    17    S        Pugwash River Cum Co    North River Cum Co    Richard & Eliza


01-08-1893    Conns Mills Cum Co    Methodist    Rev Benjamin Hills
GIBSON    John R (Lt)    38    W    Salvation Army    Lewiston Maine USA    Liverpool England    James & Mary
DEMINGS    Mary J    26    S        Conns Mills Cum Co    Conns Mills Cum Co    Jesse D & Susan


17-10-1893    Conns Mills Cum Co    Presbyterian    Rev James A McKenzie
FORRESTER    Lyndia J    40    W    hotel keeper    Pictou Pic Co    Saint John NB    John L & Lydia
CONN    Maggie R    24    S        Conn Mills Cum Co    Conn Mills Cum Co    Andrew & Jane


26-12-1893    Conns Mills Cum Co    Baptist    Rev C H Haverstock
LATTIE    William    44    B    farmer    Pugwash Jct    Pugwash Jct    Joseph & Elizabeth
THOMPSON    Jane    49    S        Conn Mills    Conn Mills    Abraham & Eveline

02-06-1894    Conns Mills Cum Co    Methodist    Rev Benjamin Hills
JONES    Lewis    50    B    farmer    Dohertys Brook Cum Co    Wallace Bay Cum Co    Benjamin & Ann
DEWAR    Elizabeth    47    W        Conn Mills Cum Co    River Philip Cum Co    Stephen & Mary


18-11-1896    Oxford Cum Co    Baptist    Rev P D Nowlan
PATTERSON    James    55    W    farmer    Conns Mills Cum Co    Eire    Joseph & Mary
TEED    Armenia    48    W        Wentworth Cum Co    River Philip Cum Co    Weatherbee & Mary

28-12-1898    Wallace Stn Cum Co    Methodist    Rev John W Shepherdson
FILLMORE    Arthur H    24    B    farmer    Conns Mills Cum Co    Conns Mills Cum Co    Charles & Elizabeth
ROBERTSON    Ethel    24    S        Wallace Stn Cum Co    Wallace Stn Cum Co    John & Sarah

22-10-1902    Conns Mills Cum Co    Presbyterian    Rev A D McIntosh
DEMMINGS    Harry    22    B    fireman    Pugwash Cum Co    Pugwash Cum Co    Alexander & Adeline
MCPHERSON    Victoria    20    S        Conn Mills Cum Co    Conn Mills Cum Co    Angus & Christie

02-09-1903    Middleboro Cum Co    Methodist    Rev Donald Farquhar
FINLEY    Frederick B    21    B    farmer    Conns Mills Cum Co    Leicester Cum Co    Elisha & Mary
SCARLET    Lilian M    24    S        Middleboro Cum Co    Cole Creek Ind USA    Fred A & Lydia

14-12-1904    Conns Mills Cum Co    Methodist    Rev Donald Farquhar
MCNUTT    Warren P    39    B    blacksmith    Conn Mills Cum Co    Port Philip Cum Co    Hazen & Dinah
DE MINGO    Eva S    33    S        Conn Mills Cum Co    Pugwash River Cum Co    Jesse & Susan  


23-12-1908    Conns Mills Cum Co    Methodist    Rev Adam B Higgins
ANGEVINE    Charles Ross    21    B    farmer    Six Mile Road    Truro Col Co    Peter & Ellen
ROSS    Annie Amelia    20    S        Conn Mills Cum Co    Victoria Cum Co    Albert & Martha

29-09-1909    Conns Mills Cum Co    Methodist    Rev William J Croft
LETCHER    William Thomas    25    B    miner    Springhill Cum Co    Chignecto    William & Eliza
MATTINSON    Carrie Jean    25    S        Conns Mills Cum Co    Oxford Cum Co    John W & Cynthia


21-12-1910    Amherst Cum Co    Methodist    Rev Hamilton Wigle
MCLEOD    Alexander Howard    35    B    farmer    Pugwash Jct Cum Co    Pugwash Jct Cum Co    Stewart & Margaret
MATTINSON    Isey Isabella    28    S        Conns Mills Cu
m Co    Oxford Cum Co    Wesley & Cynthia


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